This fist in the air is generally accepted as the symbol for personal rebellion. Many times, this symbols is used when a person or a group of people are unhappy with their social conditions and want to raise above those conditions somehow. I believe this symbols is an appropriate representation of one of the major themes throughout Jacob Have I Loved - personal struggle. Louise has a lot of obstacles to overcome in this book, and I imagine that she probably wants to raise her fist like this at times.
The cross is a very prominent symbol for Christianity, which plays a major role throughout Jacob Have I Loved. Louise already shows signs of struggling with the dominant religion on Rass Island. Furthermore, we know that her mother doesn't view this religion as others on the island do. Religion seems to be a very important theme in the novel, and it will most be a constant theme that flows through Louise's life (and the lives of the other inhabitants of the island, as well).
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